"On one fine day, a guy time travels and lands on the meadow, sees his daughter and daughter tells her friends to go fetch mommy and tell her daddy's here. Cut to scene: a girl running as fast as she can, through the forest, through the meadow, excited to see her husband again. They finally run towards each other. They hugged and talked. Husband says "I can't stay" and wife replies in glee, but actually with a pang of pain, "I know." They kiss just in time for the husband to ebb away..." And then I cry. This is my feeble attempt to describe through words the scene in the film "The Time Traveler's Wife" that made me cry a tear or two or more...
The movie is just so beautiful and painful, heart-wrenching and heart-warming. Though generically a "time travel" movie, it struck a cord in the core emotions that we humans posses.
"I can't stay," says the husband.
"I know," says the wife.
We wait for something magical or good in our lives. Some people say it is futile. Sooner, we tell ourselves it is of no use, too. But we still wait, don't we?
Cheers for the undying human spirit!
- Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at 1:37pm